joseph logan

    Leading From Flow

    LEADERS:Transform Your Leadership In 12 weeks.Create Meaningful & Effortless Results.Become the River, Not the Rock.

    Leading from Flow is a cohort-based program for leaders
    looking to break free from stress and burnout.
    Unlike other leadership courses: this one isn’t dated principles and theory - here you’ll get simple, powerful tools to create Flow, Insight, Clarity, and Freedom.You’ll meet like-minded leaders who will shift the way you think about leadership and life.The next cohort starts Monday, June 24th, 2024.

    Quiz: Is Leading From Flow Right For You?

    Have you tried all the best practices and leadership tricks, only to find yourself slipping back to what you’ve always done?

    Are you tired of looking for the next tip, trick, or hack to make work easier and your people more loyal?

    Do you still feel like your people aren’t listening or just don’t get it?

    Do you delegate, seek accountability, and schedule endless meetings only to feel impotent and misunderstood?

    Are you drowning in an endless stream of information chaos and to-do lists without end?

    Have you tried all the productivity gurus and leadership experts, only to find yourself too busy to manage yet another framework?

    If any of these sound familiar…

    Then Leading From Flow was designed for you.

    What our alums are saying…

    The principles and tools you need to lead from a place of Flow rather than endless stress and burnout.

    All leaders face these problems:

    If you’re reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems are keeping you up at night. And chances are these problems are hurting your team and your dream.And chances are you’ve tried fixes from books to mentors to courses to coaches, all with little to show for it.Whether it’s lack of knowledge or lack of consistency, you know you can be a better leader with more confidence and better outcomes.

    • Vague accountability

    • Failed change efforts

    • Short-sighted thinking

    • Useless (or no) feedback

    • Sloppy (or no) delegation

    • Working on the wrong things

    • Slow decisions with no buy-in

    • Real problems buried in drama

    • Spending unrelated to outcomes

    • “Wish” culture rather than real behaviors

    Leading from Flow will give you
    everything you’ve been missing.

    Maybe you’ve found things that work in your leadership. For a while.

    And then they stop working.

    Because you're missing two things:

    • Mindset

    • Accountability

    Leading from Flow brings a completely new approach to leadership and peer support.

    You have the capacity within you -
    we will work together to unleash it.

    Lose the stress and self-doubt.Embrace the flow.

    There are 3 leadership killers.

    KILLER #1

    Only I can...

    Leaders don’t cling to things because they think people are stupid, though people often feel that way around them. Most leaders are living inside their own heads rather than listening to their hearts. And the heart is where the power is. It’s how you invite people into your leadership journey.

    KILLER #2

    I have to know everything…

    Most leaders have heard the saying “if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”. But that advice is about as useful as a solar-powered flashlight. It isn’t that the “what” of this advice isn’t clear, it’s more a lack of “how” and “why”. You don’t have to know everything, and your leadership is better when you know how to share and trust.

    KILLER #3

    Everything is equally important…

    Every meeting is a firehose of new information, history, grudges, preferences, desires, etc. And most of it matters fare less than you think. Leadership works best with great delegation and a highly tuned filter for what really matters. When you have less to think about, you think better about what matters.

    Stop playing Whack-a-Mole and calling it “leadership.”

    The biggest mistake leaders make?Trying to stay on top of everything themselves.Truth: you can’t.And the more you try, the more stressed you get, the more your people feel micromanaged, and the more you become the limit to your company’s growth.Instead, you want to make your intentions clear and listen for what matters. And with Leading From Flow, you’ll learn to do just that.

    Let’s be honest.If you’re reading this, you’re not satisfied with your leadership. You know you can be better.But for whatever reason, you haven’t yet found a way to be like the leaders you admire.If you had, you wouldn’t be nodding your head right now.Leading from Flow cuts the clutter and chaos so you can be the leader you’ve always dreamed of being.
    And get the results you always dreamt of having.
    And when you learn how: it will feel..Effortless.

    Transform your leadership in 12 weeks.

    Look..Are you gonna keep racing from meeting to meeting. Battling an unforgiving inbox of other people’s priorities. Wondering why people don’t get it?Are you gonna continue to feel constantly behind?Screw that.In 12 weeks, your only wonder will be why you waited so long when the change was so easy.You can be the leader you know is inside you - and in less than 12 weeks.

    Here are the topics
    we will cover:

    Week 1: An introduction to a new way of leadingWeek 2: How to Focus on Real Problems and Eliminate DramaWeek 3: How You and Your Team Can Think More Strategically and See Around CornersWeek 4: How to Know When Your People (and You) Are Working on the Right ThingsWeek 5: How to Create a Culture of Constructive FeedbackWeek 6: How to Manage Change Without ResistanceWeek 7: How to Make Decisions with Speed and Buy-InWeek 8: How to Delegate Without MicromanagingWeek 9: How to Know Things Will Get DoneWeek 10: How to Spend Money More StrategicallyWeek 11: How to Create Tangible CultureWeek 12: Integrating Principles and Practices Into Your Leadership

    Build your insight.Build your clarity.Build your team.Work in flow.

    When you lead from flow, you open up a world of opportunities.This is far beyond the stress and chaos of everyday work. Leaders who work from flow see opportunities others don’t. They anticipate threats before they’re threats.Leading from Flow is like ascending above the clouds in a jet. It’s a whole new perspective.

    Join the leaders
    who are moving beyond the old model.

    “This has been like X-Ray vision for my company.”

    Seeing the world differently can be a lonely path.
    But it doesn’t have to be.

      Still wondering if this is a good fit for you?Let's have a chat & explore it together.Book in here